About ContractorNB Fredericton
ContractorNB is an off shoot of an IT consulting company that has designed and produced some of the top Canadian software available in Canada. From a Complex Wood System to a simple Invoicing System.
One of the software that the IT company designed was the Contractor's Payroll that was recognized as a leading Canadian Payroll System 19 years straight. The Contractor's Payroll System is very user friendly besides being the most powerful PC Payroll available in Canada. The blend of power and ease of use was rarely achieved until this IT company accomplished it over 25 years ago here in NB.
ContractorNB is being designed by the designer of one of the best Payroll created in Canada.
ContractorNB goal is to make this contractor's website the best in Canada - Simple, Powerful and Pleasant to browse through.
Providing information to potential clients via website is the most economical method for contractors today.
Welcome to the website that Lists Contractors in Fredericton NB (506) 458-1416